Gasoline prices increased significantly in a short period of time, and therefore the Tax Council decided to raise the tax deduction rates for driving and the transportation allowance - also known as mileage money.

This is only the third time in 30 years that rates have been significantly adjusted in one year. This is due to gasoline price increases of up to 23% since January this year and an increase in the Consumer Price Index.

The list price of a liter of unleaded 95 gasoline was a tidy sum of DKK 13.99 on January 1, 2022. By March 9, 2022, it had risen to DKK 17.29. On March 26, it was DKK 15.89 per liter.

In 1993, it was 5.23 kroner per liter.

New rates with retroactive effect and as of May 1, 2022

The Danish Tax Council believes that it is appropriate that the new set rate for the transportation deduction applies for the entire year 2022. This is so that citizens do not have to operate with several different rates in the same income year with the risk of any errors that may arise as a result.

The change also means that companies can reimburse the costs of business travel with up to DKK 3.70 per km. compared to the current rates, where business travel can be reimbursed with up to DKK 3.51 per km. This corresponds to an increase of 19 øre.

The mileage deduction

The rules for mileage deductions are unchanged, so there is still no deduction for the first 24 kilometers per day between home and work, regardless of the means of transport you use.

Year Rate for driving between 25-120 km Rate for driving over 120 km
2022 - previous rate DKK 1.98 per km 0.99 kr. per km
2022 - new rate from January 1, 2022 2.16 kr. per km DKK 1.08 per km


Tax-free transportation allowance

Tax-free transport allowance can be paid to employees who drive their own car for business purposes, provided that the employer maintains the necessary control. The rules are unchanged.

Year For the first 20,000 km For driving beyond 20,000 km
2022 - Previous rate 3.51 kr. per km DKK 1.98 per km
2022 - new rate effective from May 1 DKK 3.70 per km 2.17 kr. per km


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